Webster Thomas Students Repurpose Cardboard into Art

A group of Webster Thomas High School students have converted discarded cardboard into a colorful work of art!

 Inspired by contemporary artist Lisa Hoke and her use of materials and creative intuition, art teacher Katherine Harrisons’ 3D foundation classes created a site-specific installation made from repurposed packaging materials. Each piece was designed and created by a different student. When viewed as separate entities, each emphasizes one color and has one repeating element or principle, but when placed together it creates an immersive and colorful wall installation that highlights movement, texture, and rhythm as well as the labor-intensive working processes of the students.

All materials were collected from the One Webster community during the summer. Upon  close inspection of the piece, viewers may recognize many of the materials the students used --  everything from cereal boxes to dog food containers to muffin packages, and more.