Cereal Drive Creates Domino Effect

Little things can lead to a chain reaction that affects so many in positive ways. This is at the heart of the cereal drive that recently took place at Plank Road South Elementary School. 

The Plank South school community collected cereal November 7-22 as part of a schoolwide event called Cereal Box Dominos. At the culmination of the drive, the boxes were lined up throughout the school building and then toppled like dominoes!

“The purpose is to show that one small action has a domino effect of helping others. After the event the cereal will be donated to local food cupboards,” Janet Weisensel, coordinator of the event and the school’s social worker, said during the cereal drive.

The collection was a huge success! The school community gathered 878 boxes of cereal that PTSA parents/guardians and volunteers lined up throughout the halls of Plank South on November 22. Students and staff also lined the halls to watch the spectacle. Weisensel had the privilege of toppling the first box, which set the chain reaction in motion as box after box fell to the cheers of the audience! 

After all of the boxes tumbled, as promised, they were gathered up and given to not just one, but to four different charities helping families in need: Webster Hope, Immanuel Lutheran Church Food Cupboard, Phillips Village, and Ronald McDonald House. Proving how one small action can start a chain reaction of caring.